Marcelo I. Cruz's Portfolio


I was born and raised in Austin Texas, and I have family from pretty much everywhere. I listen to mostly punk and metal music, but I also like rock, some skaw and a little bit of rap. I am outgoing and straight forward with people. I like to watch anime and play games on Xbox360 like COD:Black ops, COD:MW3, Fallout 3,4, and new vegas, Borderlands 2, and much more.
I do not have much experience as a photographer. But I have taken photos with a professional at my cousins wedding, and they told me that I had talent and that I think outside the box. I am always looking for a way to make a picture better.
I am interested in being a live music photographer to take pictures of my favorite punk bands playing music at concerts. I would am also interested in taking pictures of people at comic cons, cosplaying is a good hobby and it takes a lot of skill and effort to have a good costume, and I would like to take pictures of these costumes to show off they're hard work. Being a sports photographer would be neat too, I really like roller derby and I would enjoy documenting roller derby games with pictures.
My goals are to get more skilled and to be able to take pictures of what I am interested in such as live music, roller derby, and cosplay.
